
HIM And Love Said No

текст песни and love said no him

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Исполнитель: HIM

Название песни: And Love Said No

Продолжительность mp3: 04:10

Дата добавления: 2014-12-08

Текст просмотрен: 939


Другие песни исполнителя HIM
Текст песни:

Love's light blue led me to you
Through the emptiness
That had become my home
Loves lies cruel
Introduced me to you
And that moment I knew I was out of hope

Kill me, I begged
And love said no
Leave me for dead and let me go
Kill me, I cried and love said no
Kill me, I cried
And love said no woh woh

Love's icey tomb dug open for you
Lies in a cemetery that bears my name
Love's violent tune
From me to you
Rips your heart out
And leaves you bleeding
With a smile
On your face

Kill me, I begged
And love said no
Leave me for dead and let me go
Kill me, I cried and love said no
Kill me, I cried
And love said no woh who

Love's light blue
Took me from you
And that moment I knew
I was out of hope again


Любви сияющий небесный свет
Привел меня сквозь пустоту к тебе.
Я вечность пребывал в той пустоте.
Жестокая и лживая любовь
Свела меня, печаль моя, с тобой,
Хотя я знал в тот миг - надежды нет.

HIM - And Love Said No
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