теперь я знаю точно теперь я знаю точно как сильно любишь ты меня
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Исполнитель: теперь я знаю точно теперь я знаю точно
Название песни: как сильно любишь ты меня
Продолжительность mp3: 05:57
Дата добавления: 2015-03-11
Текст просмотрен: 747
Take my hand, take my hand yeah, take my hand
Follow me, follow me yeah let's go.
To the sand, to the sand, the purest sand
Into the sea, into the sea yeah let's go.
Out beyond the water's edge
Far out past the coral bench
Underneath the diamond dancing lights.
Chase the world from far below
Silence sleeping in the glow,
Drifting down into the endless night.
I can not. Resist your call.
I can not. Resist your call.
Take my hand, take my hand yeah take my hand
Follow me, follow me yeah let's go.
To the sand, to the sand, the purest sand
Into the sea, into the sea yeah let's go.
Leaving reason far behind,
Nothing here is cruel or kind,
Only your desire to set me free.
Let us lie here all alone
Worn away like river stone.
Let us be the sirens of the sea.
I can not. Resist your call.
I can not. Resist your call.
Leaving reason far behind,
Nothing here is cruel or kind,
Only your desire to set me free.
Let us lie here all alone
Worn away like river stone.
Let us be the sirens of the sea.
I can not. Resist your call.
I can not. Resist your call.
...Sirens of the sea.
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